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Interview Tips that will help you make it successfull


You applied for your dream job, submitted your resume and got called out for an interview, Great news, right?
Well, the interview’s process can be both overwhelming and exciting, therefore in order to perform your best there are few things to consider. Here are 5 tips to help you succeed.

1-Do research on the company

First, you need to get the most information about the company as you can. Focus on their mission, products, services, values and culture, make sure you feel identified with their personality and understand their main products and services from the company and customers standpoint. This is important to prepare you for the interview and ensure that you are qualified for the position they are looking to filled.

2-Study the Job description

It is very important to read about the job description carefully to identify the requirements and the responsibilities that go along with it. This will prepare you for the questions during the interview and verify if you are truly prepared. Besides you will get an idea of the day-to-day duties which will help you decide if it is what you are looking for.

3-Rehearse common interview answers.

Although you won’t be able to predict the interview questions, there are some common ones you can practice your answers. For example:
-Why do you want to work here?
-What interests you about this role?
-What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Don’t forget to have a friendly speaking voice and positive open body language, pay special attention to your smile and handshake

4-Come up with questions at the end of the interview.

Some employers like to receive feedback from a person who shows enthusiasm and demonstrate their interests in the job position and the company. Take some time to prepare questions about what intrigues you the most and discuss it by the end of the interview.
There are no rules about talking salary for the first interview, if so, focus more on what excites you about this opportunity and less about how much the salary will influence your decision to take the job.

5-Look the part.

-Make sure to look and dress properly, that can make a huge difference between you and other prospects and influence the hiring decision.
-Search the location in advance, plan to leave early in case any inconvenience presents (heavy traffic, accidents, parking) and still be able to arrive at least 15 minutes early.
-Sell yourself by presenting your professional skills and experience and how you’d be the perfect fit for them.

Taking the time to prepare yourself will make you feel more relaxed and confident during the interview process.

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